Sell Cook and other E-books Online

ebookbooksx400Raise funds by creating and selling e-books online. Cook / Receipe books are popular because everyone in the school or local community  has the opportunity to contribute. Other suggestions include e-books of students’ artwork, history of your school, community or organisation, short stories and poetry, and personalised childrens’ books.

Your community is a pre-existing market so there is not the need to publish with one of the e-book publishers such as Amazon. Your organisation keeps the whole sale price and not just the royalties.

Use PDF so the e-book is accessible on most devices. It can be secured to stop editing but it will be shareable.

You can create professional looking PDF e-books using Canva which is also free. Here is an example of a simple Canva DIY e-book template and one with a pre-made layout for the front page.  Also some tips on design – HERE.

Check out our demo online book sales at our Demo Shop