Online Art Show, Auction & Competition

Art Show & Auction
Art Show & Auction.

Whether the artists are professional, adult amateurs or the children at the school, the online art show and auction can be a great fund raiser, It can easily be held in conjunction with other events. If the artists are school children the auction is an opportunity for grand parents to provide support to the school.

The art show exhibits are displayed in a portfolio with links to large images and the online auction of the item.

The art show could also include a visitors prize where visitors to the site vote for an entry online. You could set a price per vote. Not necessarily democratic but it will raise funds.

When an exhibitor pays their submission fee they will automatically be emailed a link and password to access the online submission form. When the form is completed they will be taken to a link to upload images of their exhibit. If there is also a physical exhibit they will receive instructions for delivery to the exhibition.

For demonstration purposes CLICK HERE to access the submission form. The password is  Demo .

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Check out our Demo Online Artshow and Competition submission and voting at our Demo Shop