Sell Online Short Courses

shortcoursesonlineYour organisation has a very valuable hidden asset – knowledge, both individually and collectively. You can monetize that knowledge by selling online short courses. Someone in your organisation might have special skills they want to share and you can provide them with the platform to share that knowledge. Your orgsanisation might be based on a set of skills such as a craft or sport.

Online learning, especially with short courses are becoming increasingly popular. They can be done anytime and anywhere the participant has internet access. It is as easy as taking a manual, dividing it into sections or lessons and then adding multiple choice questions at the end of each lesson. You can add videos, audio, images and allow the participants to download documents. The participant also has evidence that they had an understanding of the subject matter from the tests and that they completed the course from the student record.

Check our demo course in our demo course catalogue.   The demo voucher code is ”  demo “.

You sell the courses using your online shop. The students will be issued a voucher code automatically when they have paid for the course which they can use to redeem and register for the course.

You can also check out the process of obtaining a voucher code in the Demo Store.